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Don’t let early spring weather make you complacent with your security

Unseasonably sunny weather could give burglars unexpected opportunities

Nobody expects sunny weather like we’ve been experiencing this week in February and we’d hate to come across as ‘fun sponges’ but while you’re all flinging open the windows and taking to the garden with a cold beer, just remember that the security measures you need to observe in the summer apply now as well.

It’s true that the sunshine probably won’t last long and who can forget that it was this time last year that we saw the ‘beast from the east’ with equally extreme weather so we don’t blame you for getting a bit giddy, but open windows and unlocked doors can be a gift to an opportunistic burglar.

Just as we’d advise in the summer, don’t leave windows open if the room is unoccupied. Always keep doors locked, even when you’re in the house and especially if you’re out in the garden hanging the washing out or tidying up the flower beds. Just think of it as good practice for the summer!